Tuesday, July 12, 2016

4th Grade Soil Profile lesson plan, Clue 3-2-1, and Edible Soil Profiles!


Hello! Hello! Everyone,

I know it has been an extremely long time since I have posted.  I have been extremely busy.  By August 1st, I will have completed 39 credits in 6 months.  It has been a wonderful journey of growth and learning.  I have learned that I can put on blinders and not go crazy from a house that is not clean to my standards.  I have learned that if I give my family the opportunity (and enough time), they will pick up the pieces.  I have always just done everything.  In a way, I have enabled them to not learn to do those things.  I have also learned that I can do hard things, that I am not a quitter, and that I am capable of achieving my goals. 

For the last class I completed, I had to create a 4th grade science lesson based on my state's science standards.  I am excited about how it turned out and wanted to share it with you.  Of course, being me, I like hands-on activities and do not like being bored, so this lesson plan has lots of opportunities for involvement and different ways to engage students. 

In this lesson, I have created a Power Point Presentation, a vocabulary game called Clue 3-2-1, a graphic organizer, and a hands-on edible soil profile activity.  I have also included a Plickers quick assessment. 

You are free to use any of these resources as long as you leave them intact as is and do not use for monetary gain. 

Hope you enjoy!!

Thanks for stopping by :)  -Dari

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